Lee Manor Farm
A new dwelling in the AONB on a former farmyard site which is characterised by arterial walls forming axis, which then the building is organised around. The building is intentionally hidden and unassuming from the entrance/approach, and revealed fully on the opposite side.
Project Location:
Project Size:
Concept Design + Planning
Site for Sale
Upon parking in front of the garage, the occupant passes through an opening within the stone garden-like wall which forms an axis. There is intentionally only two openings within this wall in order to maintain privacy and provoke intrigue; hiding what’s beyond until it’s revealed. Passing through the stone wall, you enter into an intermediate courtyard which provides another layer of privacy.
The external appearance is based around the concept of solid, stone garden walls which form axis’ in which the building is arranged behind/within. From the south, approaching the dwelling from the road, the building is low, mostly hidden behind the garden wall which reveals itself the closer you get to the entrance. There is then a single, linear pitched roof volume set back from this wall floating above which is the barn-like element, and a gently sloping mono-pitch roof component which again, reflects agricultural buildings such as barns and stables.