Ashleigh House
Ashleigh House is an existing property that sits in a row of large detached homes off Bickington Road, Barnstaple. Over the years, a number of incongruous/ unsympathetic additions have built in an attempt to provide extra space but collate to a building which lacks clarity and is a ‘hotch-potch’ of building forms and styles.
Project Location:
Barnstaple, North Devon
Project Size:
RIBA Stages 1-4
Completion Date:
December 2024
Our task was to strip back the building and consider it holistically, amalgamating all of the desired uses into one considered piece of design, omitting the ill-considered volumes as well as rationalising the roof forms. The outcome was to be a home which suits the somewhat opulent context and meets all the needs of the new family and their 6 children.
The rear is characterised by two flanking gables which create an element of symmetry. The single storey ground floor linear volume overhangs to the south to prevent the mostly glazed façade from overheating. Focusing on simplicity aims not to create a busy or over complicated appearance, but a rationalised one which avoids necessary detail. The linear/horizontal brick continues from inside to out, pulling the outside in and vice versa.